Ghost Mist

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Ideal Environment

This assignment encourages magazine clipping in order to discover our perfect environment. Luckily, I didn't have to go to the library and photocopy crusty old pics for this - I could just look online. Here's my imagination gone wild.

For this picture I did a search for tiling. The black and white tiling are what I admire the most. I also quite like the pure white feathers in steel vases in the back. If I were decorating my own room those are the two things I would steal from this room. The rest of the furniture is fine, don't get me wrong - oh, except for that hideous picture of a watch on the wall. Why would anyone do that?

This next picture is mostly for the bookshelves, though I like the rest of the room a lot. The curtains in particular are especially lovely.

Am I such a weirdo that I want an indoor fountain in my living room. This is the one I would choose considering I'm living in a fantasy right now.

My next wish would be this tree bed which I found for sale on an actual shopping page. It costs $15,000.00. Makes you want to get into making fancy beds and raking it in, doesn't it?

Lastly, I'd like a tub. But I didn't drive myself crazy searching for the most ridiculously beautiful tub I could find. I just went for something that was white and looked comfortable. you don't even have to turn off the water with your foot because OOPS! It's within reaching distance. You also don't have to stick your head under the facet or wash your hair with gross water because OOPS! It has a removable shower nozzle. I love this tub.


At 9:32 AM, Anonymous JQ said...

Dude LOVES the bed -- only he'd like to rig up some curtains for it.


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