Check-in Week One
All right, so I'm going to answer the check-in questions here.
1. I have done my morning writing on every morning except Sunday and I've decided not to do them on Sunday. No doubt the creator of the program wouldn't like my intentional skipping, but that's a crazy morning getting everyone out the door for church. Besides - I get refreshed at church and she'd approve of that - so it's sort of a toss up.
As for how I felt writing three pages of brain garbage every day - I liked it. I used to do it through a different medium a few years ago, but I had slipped out of the habit. Doing it again was like going home. Besides, after you toss out the brain garbage - you have a quality brain to work with. Fewer distractions.
2. I did go on my artist date this week. I weeded my yard. I know that seems lame, but I actually got outside. It was remarkable progress. And then this morning, I even went out and weeded under my trampoline. It felt great to get out and sparked my curiousity about nature. Wild Roses have wicked thorns. I was pricked by one before I even knew it was there.
3. Yes, there was something that came up that seemed like it would be a hindrance to my artist progress. My mom would rather I watched movies with her and I live with her and so I foresee a problem.
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