Ghost Mist

Friday, June 11, 2010

Three Champions

The next assignment is to list three champions of my creative self-worth.

1. Christopher

He's been working with me and wishing me well for the past eleven years. He's my muse. And he lets me know when things don't make sense. He always fights for my dream to write, reminds me of my successes, gives me time to work, gives me tools to work, and flatters my ego daily.

2. Rose

She let me read a whole novella to her over the phone over five years ago (way before my writing was any good). She lets me rant when I want. She joins in too. I love that.

After that, I'm not sure who to name. There were all my high school girl friends who let me read my novels to them at slumber parties in the beginning and even of late some of my family members have even begun reading my stuff. And there have been hundreds of online readers who have praised me and followed me and encouraged me.

I've always wondered who I would thank in the opening leaves of my first novel. I'm sending a novel into a publishing company that I got an invitation from in a couple weeks. I'd dedicate it to Christopher and thank him for having brown eyes.

I was supposed to take an assignment that I was interested in, one I was afraid of, and one I felt neutral towards. The one about the people who have harmed me was the one I was afraid of, the possible lives one was the one I was interested in, and this was the one I felt neutral towards. I'm going to start the next chapter tomorrow.


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