Ghost Mist

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Five More Imaginary Lives

Now, we're really getting creative. I have to come up with five more imaginary lives. I actually found this quite tricky and spent quite a bit of time thinking about it. The other list I rattled off quite naturally. Here goes:

6. An Editor

Of course in my fantasy I would like to edit the sort of novels that I write. Sometimes I've been asked to beta read other author's stories. Usually I have a lot of ideas on how they are screwing up. The thing that's beauty about it, is that once I've noticed their problems - off I go to work on my own project and I see that OOPS! I've done the same thing. The point is that I wouldn't like to do this full time, but if I spent my mornings doing this and I got paid for it - that would simply rock my world.

7. A Special Events Planner

I used to work as an assistant for one of these dudes. Actually, I've worked for two. One who was capable and could do everything himself and one who was a complete basket case and needed me to do everything for her. I'd like to learn more about this and at this moment, I'm actually on my way to an event where I did the invitations and providing the entertainment - me! I'm doing the games. I also enjoy doing face painting at carnivals. I think I'm teaching a class on that this fall.

8. Chocolateer

I know it's pretty sad if I'm not even sure if how to spell one of my dream professions, but there it is. I like making chocolates and packaging them and figuring out what to put in them. I don't have near as much fun with other desserts. I'd have fun learning how to do this properly too, but watching someone make chocolates never helps me to learn a thing.

9. Librarian

This isn't because I like books, even though I do like books. I like my little books that I stack beside my bed (half of which I have written). But I like the methodical brainlessness that accompanies scanning books, typing out labels for them and putting them away. I also like helping with the programs they offer for children at the Library. Story time particularly. I like reading to my children. It would be fun to read to groups of children. This is probably where my theatrical presence comes in. Not that I am incredibly dramatic. It's more like - I seem so to others. I don't recall ever auditioning for a part in a play in my life, but I have been in several plays because I was invited to be in them. I've got one of those voices. One of those LOUD voices. That's probably all there is to it.

10. Park Ranger

I once visited a man who was stationed on top of a small mountain. It was a weather station. I wonder how many people had wanted that job. The view was absolutely fantastic and the man who lived there spent all his time oil painting. And how could you not? His painting was really good too, even though he only had one arm. I'd like to be there for a year or more. Listen to myself think. Look at the beauty God gave us. Dream. Dreaming is good.


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