Ghost Mist

Friday, September 08, 2006

Creating a World

This might seem like cheating, but while getting ready to write 'Ghost Mist' I went on a little field trip through the internet looking for pictures that sort of described what I wanted for locations for the story. Normally, I don't do this sort of thing, but I need to make a little brain room for myself, so I decided that I could use a visial aid for locations to help inspire me. But I have to point out that when I went on this little field trip I did not make compromises. I saw a lot of really beautiful pictures , but I only selected ones for this photo gallery that already described what I had in mind. So please enjoy. This is a picture of what I imagine the Demon Goddess Lyla's shrine would look like. The only thing is that I imagine that the pool would be larger with a couple shoots of water springing from the still surface, but other than that - I think the pillars and the scenery outside neatly describe what I want her shrine to look like. Tesai's coffin is laying at the bottom of the pool. I'm also thinking that Lyla's throne is the perspective we're looking at the room from.

There is water in this picture and that's sort of regrettable, but only sort of. I think it adds a nice touch. This would be a picture of The Silver Bottle Plains. The grass is white there, and it was very difficult to find a picture of white grass since there doesn't seem to be much of an example of white rolling plains in our world. I mean, we have white grass, but it doesn't look the way I want it to. The other good thing about this picture is the dark mossy background that seems to indicate a depth to the place that is not necessarily pure. Nice, eh?

This would be a picture (not actually, but we're pretending) of the city of Starlach, and more specifically - the castle. There is mist on the ground, and so it's white, but I mean for Starlach to be set in the middle of the Silver Bottle Plains, so the mist works in this case because it's white like the grass is supposed to be.

This would be a picture of the forests of the Duchy of Aurantium. The trees there are orange in their prime instead of green. When they turn, they turn black and fall into the bluest sea. When the orange leaves fall - it's a terrible omen.

Finding this picture was sort of a miracle. It's not exactly what I want. I mean I don't want the tropical forest in the background. But the shape and style of the fountain are so much like what I want for the fountain that is in the middle of Spindle Wood. The fountain in Spindle Wood is in the middle of a burned-out clearing, so there would be nothing but ash around the fountain (no grass at all).

OOOO! Now I'm starting to get really excited.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger algelic said...

I love it! Looooove it!!! ^^ Nice!


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