Ghost Mist

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Me and My Archives

Okay, now I am a member of FIVE writing archives. I didn't even know there were five, but I've managed to join all of them. So, now I'm part of:
I think I'm going blind. It's making me even more excited to finish 'Mark of a Goddess' and get on with 'Ghost Mist'.

There's another reason I'm excited to get on with 'Ghost Mist'. You see, when I finish that one I'm going to give it to a certain person that I admire for them to read and critique. This wouldn't be a big deal, except that if this person doesn't see potential in it then that means that I'm no where near sending something to a publisher.

Yet, at the same time, since I post my work on all these archives, one would think that I wouldn't be shy about sending something to a publisher. One would think ... but somehow I can't seem to be that sensible. No way! Besides, when have I ever been sensible?

Anyway, so far out of all these archives, do you know which one I like the best? That's right - And not just because I get the more attention there than anywhere else. It's also because it's free - so I feel like people really read my stuff because they want to. There's nothing in it for them, and I like that idea the best. I really do.

At it's nearly impossible to get someone to read your work, so that's out.

Media Miner has a far more advanced review system than, so you've got to love that. If only more people hung out there. But their interface isn't as nice as

Fanstory's layout makes me want to die, but I like their reward system, so I still might upgrade my account there. Plus, even crappy stuff gets reviewed by like 50 people. is the one I'm the least familiar with, because I just met them last night, but so far, I think I'm going to have a good relationship with them as well. Their layout is just as polly-wolly-crappy as Fanstory's though. Maybe I'll have to revise my statement about that once I get to know them a little better.


At 2:01 PM, Blogger algelic said...

Hmmmm I like better.
I like all the criteria you can choose to search for fanfics in
Well... the criteria in MediaMiner is sort of good... but you can't even select if you want to read stories "Completed" or "In Progress".

Oh Sapphire, posting your stories on websites and showing it to a publisher are 2 completely DIFFERENT things. But I'm sure you have what it takes to publish your own books. ^^ I'd order your books as soon as they were released... and you'd be a nice onee-chan and sign them for me, right? ^^ I'm cheering for you.

90% of all foreign books never reach my country. We have all the books from the portuguese writers but only a «small» percentage of foreign ones. How can I say this... we only have the most POPULAR ones. And thas makes me really sad because I know there are a LOT of great books out there in the US, written by less-known writers. I wish I was more educated on foreign books... *sigh* I'm fed up with reading popular silly books.

Oh now I'm thinking of books. ^^ One of the reasons why I love going to the annual book fair is because many many writers go there. I love talking to them and meeting them. I've met some really stupid and full-of-themselves, but others really nice and friendly. One of them even signed me his book, not only with a really SWEET message, but also with a cartoon of himself. LOL what a sweet person he was, and also a great writer. (and he is also the most well-know news anchorman in my country, LOL)

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Sapphirefly said...

Getting something published and releasing online are different, eh? Well, duh, but what I mean when I say they are the same is that they are both releasing something to the public sector to be read by whoever. That's what I mean.

The thing I'm most worried about is releasing something to be PUBLISHED that would make me ashamed afterwards. That's where most of my anxiety comes from. As for having what it takes to get something published, well, I still don't feel like I'm there yet. Thanks for having faith in me.^^

However, I don't think getting published proves that someone is a good writer.

At 1:53 AM, Blogger jomiel said...

I'll have to check out media miner then and see how their system works. Thanks ;o

At 7:17 AM, Blogger algelic said...

I feel like an idiot. LOL you totally misunderstood me.
I meant that once you publish a book... it's out there. There is no erasing, no turning back. People WILL read it and they'll probably make worse comments than the people do in (because they had to pay to buy the book LOL). Also... once you publish a book you can't edit it. You'll live forever wishing that you could change something you wrote! :P

And of course that someone isn't a good writer just because they have published books... trust me... 99% of all writers in my country SUCK. And some of them have published many books.
(As an example that you may know: Jose Saramago. I hate him! Mean old man. Horrible writer. Still, he has many books published... about 25 I think... and HOW THE HELL DID HE GET A NOBEL PRIZE?!)

*cough* They're giving Nobel Prizes to people that don't deserve them.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Sapphirefly said...

Okay algelic - I see what you mean and I agree. You just described my worst fear.

However, I think I know how I'll be able to work things out. Hahahaha!


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