Ghost Mist

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Progress Report?

I'm sick.

Yep ... that pretty much sums it up. I'm so sick that I won't be writing much in the next few months (not on blogger - but my real writing). I don't want to go into detail about it, but I'm glad that I finished 'Mark of a Goddess' before Christmas because there's no way I would get it done now. So ill am I. I'm bummed about it because I want to work on 'Ghost Mist', but I'm smart enough to know my limits and here's what I know - I might be able to release the next chapter of 'Whenever you Want', but that's as exciting as it's going to get around here for awhile.

So in order to curb my blues, I decided to post 'Mystic Wings' on fanstory. Because of their system, you can only release two items within a 24 hour period - so I've been releasing two chapters a day. If there were no incentives on the website, then I might wait a week between postings, but since there are - there's no reason not to release as quickly as possible. I decided not to release 'Dragon's Moon' because it wasn't properly beta read and frankly - I can't stand to do another editing job on that novel, so I decided not to release it.

Those guys over at Fanstory don't pull any punches. It's good that I'm sick because I can't get up any enthusiasm to tell them off when they bully me. Instead, I just listen quietly and think about what they've said I should improve upon. It's making me appreciate them a little. Too tired to argue or even rake up a little rage. I'm like a friggin' kitten. URGH! ... no really ... way too tired.

Maybe this will help me write 'Ghost Mist' so well that I'll take over the world.

Sapphirefly - Future Plans
The same thing we do every night Pinky - try to take over the world.

See? My brain is de-evolving.


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations again on finishing your series. I forgot to say in my review that one of the things I loved best were the titles and the ending of each book.

I hope you make time for whenever you want or another esca story. If not then I hope you get better soon!

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Sapphirefly said...

You're so sweet Josee. Unfortunately, I'm the sort of sick that doesn't get cured in a week. I'm not going to feel well for MONTHS.

But I do have a chapter of 'Whenever You Want' that is almost ready for posting. So, you won't have to wait forever for that.

And thanks for your review. It was incredibly sweet.


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