Ghost Mist

Monday, November 27, 2006

Scorpion's Reach IV

Well, finally opened up its large gates and all their back emails came flooding into my inbox like a tidal wave. And I found out something - there's a lot more support for me to write 'Scorpion's Reach' than I thought there was.

I've also figured out a couple solutions to the problems I was having. A couple scenes played out in my head and I almost got inspired. Almost. The thing that's still dragging me down is that - I'm tired - and I can't think up an ending.

Well, right at this second I thought of something that didn't point towards Hitomi becoming a murderer, but it also strips her of her protaganist powers.

Whenever my ... man reads 'Mark of a Goddess', he reads the end and he's so confused as to why Hitomi isn't the one in the heat of things - instead it's Van. But I never heard any readers complain about that. Hmmm....

Anyway - I'm still thinking. I haven't yet come to a decision. I'll post my next chapter when I make up my mind.


At 11:24 PM, Blogger jomiel said...

I don't think it really matters if the narrator isn't actively in the midst of things, as long as she is changed by the events. There are plenty of books that are narrated by a bystander, but the tension and emotions are there, because the changes still affect the narrator. (Can't think of a book right this moment though :( I'm useless.)

At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, this is too hard to decide,i wish you the best of luck....

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Sapphirefly said...

Well, I started working on my storyboard with a little more energy than before. I think I got to chapter 15 before it was time to go to bed. Unfortunately, that's just a little more than I'd planned in my head. I'll work on it later and see if I can come up with any more.

At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... here is my opinion:

I really liked your Escaflowne AU triology (although right now I've only read a couple of chapters from Mark of a Goddess).... but I think it's enough now. I mean... I'm sure that if you put your mind into it you'd be able to write an awesome 4th book. But even the greatest stories get boring when they are too extensive.

- Harry Potter books. Awesome... but it gets tiring after the 1st book.
- Inuyasha... cool... but (besides not having an ending) it is WAYYYY too big (not just the 167 anime episodes... but also the manga which is STILL coming out).

I think you should focus on your original fiction. I'm still waiting for that 2nd chapter from Ghost Mist. ^^

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Sapphirefly said...

Hey algelic,

I can't believe you knocked 'Harry Potter'. That is the work of a genius and if it went to book 20 I would still read it. Not everything that's long is sucky. Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time is sucky. And yes, Inuyasha is pretty sucky too. But Kenshin is 28 volumes and it was kicking. Not only that, but the last plot arch was the best one!

I'm still not 100% sure if I'm going to do it, but I'd like to see if the storyboard I came up with is any good. I have more thoughts about this, but I have the flu - so I'm going to sleep.


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