Ghost Mist

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Slave in Heaven or a Star in Hell

So, like I said in my last post, I don't really want to write fanfiction anymore, but ... it's so easy and it's so fun and so many people come to read my fanfiction. No one comes to read my original fiction - it's super annoying when I work so hard on it.

So, I said in my last post that if I wrote another Escaflowne piece it would be one where Van was a vampire. I sat down and thought about what I could write that wouldn't turn into 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer (that was a pretty good book by the way. In my view there were only two things wrong with it - which is surprisingly few if you know how I like to rip other people's work apart. The first thing was - I am so familiar with vampire legend and vampire fiction that not a single thought of Edward's was a surprise to me. I knew what he was thinking the entire time - and sometimes he was thinking something a little less creative than I had imagined. The other thing was that there was too much mush and not enough action. I was sitting there skimming over the fluffy scenes going, 'Let's get on with this - it's not like I never made out with a guy before'. Except that both of these errors point directly to mass appeal with teenage girls - so I don't blame her).

But I'm creative in my own juicy way, so I only brainstormed for one day and I actually came up with an idea for a vampire fic that wasn't exactly like every other vampire fic I've ever read or watched. I shrieked with laughter over my idea - put back my head and laughed like a banshee.

When I explained my idea to Jak, he's like, 'Would that work?' like I had just introduced an idea so strange and so corrupted as to be unusable. But I think it will work and heck I might keep writing it on just to show him that my insane idea is actually playable. That is, if I don't get my butt slammed in fanfiction prison for mentioning Anne Rice in my story. Yeah, I read those books, too, but I wasn't a fan of anything past 'Interview with the Vampire'. I don't really like Lestat - he struck me as kind of ... non fun ... and non romantic, which sucks cause that's what vampire men are are all about - romantic heroes. But I'm not allowed to think about those books, read them, or watch the movies that go with them - I get way too obsessive. And it's super pointless.

I made another discovery the other day. I wrote four or five books before I was 16 and I was thinking that some of the stories from them might be reusable to transform into Escaflowne fanfiction. It's not possible. I was such a poor writer when I was a teenager that no good can come from those old stacks. Any idea I had before I was twenty (remember that 'Dragon's Moon' was from 17-18 and then I didn't write anything for a year or so) is completely unusable. What can I say? I had cotton for brains back then, and those stories were only valuable for practice. Not only that, but sheesh - I could have used a mentor to help me learn how to write properly. I was looking for one at the time - I honestly was - but no one I knew at the time knew anything about writing.

The reason this was on my mind was because I wrote a vampire fic when I was 15-16. It wasn't great, but I bet that someone else would have enjoyed reading it. However, I don't seem to have any ideas on how to start something than for someone to go to a dance club, or a barn dance, or a school dance, or a nineteenth century ball. I've decided this disease of mine either comes from watching too much 'Pride and Prejudice' or from the fact that I really did go dancing almost every single weekend when I was a teenager. And it was great.

I have to end this post now, cause I'm still suffering from my dilemma.