Whenever You Want
Don't ask me where I ripped off this fanart pic because I can't remember, but isn't it cool?
Anyway, I wanted to write a quick blog talking about my Escaflowne fanfic 'Whenever You Want'.
Yeah, so I started writing it to take my mind off my illness and to keep my skills polished. I decided that I didn't want to have a beta reader for it because that would slow the fic down. You know sending each chapter to a beta and then reviewing the changes when it came back. I had no story board and every chapter was basically a reflection of what I had on my mind at the time. So, I was basically just riding by the seat of my pants - I hate that.
Last night I posted the last chapter. I got told that I rushed the ending - well - heck yes I did. After I had posted a few chapters of this story I came to realize that there was no slowing this sucker down. There were honestly so many different situations that were funny that could have developed from this premise. This was a fetching good premise. Seriously - I could have gone so many different directions with this. Hitomi could have become Dilandau's assistant and by doing so we could have had both Dilandau and Allen have serious crushes on her. Celena could have chased Folken. Hitomi could have gone back to the escort service. Hitomi could have become a model with Van or Dilandau as her agent. Van could have become a real model. Hitomi could have learned photography from Folken and had Van become her model. The boys from the escort service could have actually shown up in the last chapter and I could have had Miguel fall in love with Hitomi. There were so many angles it was SICK. I'm sure there are even more that I haven't thought of. I have to point out that there are also a whole crap load if I had never had Hitomi work for Van as his assistant. If I'd kept her as an escort the possibilities explode.
The point is that if I'd continued I would have made myself a slave to this story. It never would have finished. I just had to get in there - make Van a jerk - make him apologize and get on with it or IT WAS NEVER GOING TO END. That's what happens when you have no story boards - there's nothing you can do to wind it down because you have no frickin' idea what you're doing. You have NEVER known what you were doing, so if there's a dominant theme than it's by frickin' accident. However, that's not to say that it isn't entertaining, because I wrote it solely for my entertainment, so what if it doesn't have a properly structured plot (and it really doesn't)?
The real problem was that it was keeping me from writing 'Ghost Mist' so I had to finish it. Actually, I still feel bad for not finishing 'The Dance of the Twelfth Moon' (which actually did have a storyboard by the way). So, I had to finish it up.
Now I've had a few people requesting that I write a sequel. I'm flattered and I know there are possibilities for plots, BUT! But it's not really a novel, more like a novella and romantic comedy is not really what I want to write. I want to write adventures where there's running and explosions and intrigue and violence and yelling and hair raising thrills - like my Escaflowne trilogy. That doesn't mean there won't be romance - there will absolutely be romance, but that can't be the only dish I'm serving or I'll choke on my own tongue.
I'm not even sure if I'll write another Escaflowne story - ever. I had an idea for a story about Dryden and Selphie that I thought was sort of interesting and a fic where Van was a vampire would have a lot of appeal for me, but maybe I'm not the one to write them. Anyone want to pick up on one of my ideas and run with it? I sell cheap.